
The Twits is a story by great author, Roald Dahl.

Keep getting your read on to find out more.


This is New York artist Nathan Sawaya and one of his lego creations. He creates art by using some unusual objects. He most recently started to use toy lego blocks for his latest works of art.

Keep reading to see more of what Mr. Sawaya can do with lego blocks.


Nine years ago, on February 12, 2004, a very sad thing happened. Ken and Barbie decided to end their relationship.

If you don’t already know, Barbie is one of the most popular dolls ever made. Way back in 1961, the toy company Mattel decided to give Barbie a boyfriend. And that’s when Ken was created.


Well you can now. A website called Firebox will use two pictures of  your face to help you create your very own superhero action figure. Check below to see more.