lb gold

photo: ESPN

With the great news of Lebron James coming back home to play in Cleveland, the world has been waiting to see what excitement he can bring back to his city.

So far he has managed to get in great shape, launch new shoes, and even has a new show coming out on Disney XD (“Becoming”) . Call us silly, but we’re mostly excited about those gold chains.


It can be hard stopping to brush your teeth when you’re wiped out and ready for bed. And because of that, flossing usually gets skipped by many kids.

Keep reading to see why you should probably start flossing if you’re not already.


photo: @white_onrice via instagram

Ross Symons uses the Japanese traditional art of paper folding to create a special Origami everyday.

Check out more of his creations below. 


photo: the white house/vine

How cool is our first lady Mrs. Michelle Obama?

Because she is known for promoting healthy eating and exercise, a comedian jokingly asked her how many calories she burns when she “turns up”.

Keep reading to see her response.

wimpy long haul

photo: wimpy kid, inc./youtube

It’s that time once again! Coming November 4, 2014, the latest Diary of a Wimpy Kid book will be released.

This one is called The Long Haul and we have a sneak peek below!