skater tee

Here is a cool t-shirt we thought you Skater Scoopers would like.


This is New York artist Nathan Sawaya and one of his lego creations. He creates art by using some unusual objects. He most recently started to use toy lego blocks for his latest works of art.

Keep reading to see more of what Mr. Sawaya can do with lego blocks.

Believe it or not, this is not a photo. This is a hand drawn picture using pencil and graphite only. The artist’s name is Paul Lung and as you can see, he is very talented. More pictures below.

Photographer Cecelia Webber has serious skills!

She takes pictures of people in a way that makes them look like items in nature. Check below for more cool pics!

Popular in the late 1980’s and early 90’s, this hairstyle was called a box, high top fade, or a flattop. 

The hairstyle was made popular by many rappers during the 80’s and soon was seen from NBA basketball courts to elementary classrooms.

The guy in the picture was a rapper named, “Kid” who continued to make the style popular by appearing in his own movies with his partner, “Play”.  They even had their own cartoon! See the cartoon  after the click.