
Lets face it, most scary movies are for grown-ups. And that’s not fair because  kids like them just as much as adults do.

As always, we got your back. Keep reading to see the BEST SCARY MOVIES KIDS CAN WATCH!



Before we get started, meet the mom meter. 

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This would mean that ALL MOMS would not be OK with what is being rated:

mom meter 4 copy


MOST MOMS would not be OK with what is being rated:

mom meter 3 copy





HALF of MOMS would not be OK with what is being rated:

mom meter 2 copy





A FEW MOMS would not be OK with what is being rated:

mom meter 1 copy





If there isn’t a symbol, NO MOM would have a problem with what is being rated.



(scoop tip: all ratings are estimates and are based on kids ages 9 and up)

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The Witches – PG


A little boy and his grandmother go to a fancy hotel for a getaway. After snooping around the hotel, the boy discovers the surprise of his life.

mom meter 2 copySCARY rating 



mom meter 1 copy“ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 1 copy VIOLENCE rating

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Arachnophobia – PG-13

Killer spiders take over a small town. A small town with a doctor who has a serious fear of spiders.

mom meter 2 copySCARY rating 

mom meter 2 copyBAD LANGUAGE rating

mom meter 3 “ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 2 copyVIOLENCE rating

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Gremlins – PG

(note: this was rated before PG-13 ratings were used. It would most likely receive a PG-13 rating if it were released today.)


Billy receives a cute little pet from his father but is warn to take care of it in a very special way. When Billy doesn’t listen, his whole town pays the price.

mom meter 2  SCARY rating

mom meter 3 BAD LANGUAGE rating

mom meter 2 “ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 3 VIOLENCE rating

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Monster House – PG

Three neighborhood kids discover that it’s not just their old neighbor who is creepy. He also lives in a VERY creepy house.

mom meter 2 SCARY rating

mom meter 1 BAD LANGAUGE rating

mom meter 2 “ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 1 VIOLENCE rating

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Hocus Pocus – PG

HOCUS POCUS, Kathy Najimy, Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, 1993

Three witches come back to life. In order to live forever, they’re going to need a child’s “help”.

mom meter 1 SCARY rating

mom meter 1 BAD LANGUAGE rating

mom meter 2 “ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 1 VIOLENCE rating

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Nosferatu – Not Rated 


The first movie ever made about Dracula the vampire.

mom meter 2 SCARY rating



mom meter 1 “ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 1 VIOLENCE rating

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The Peanut Butter Solution – PG

 A boy looses his hair from fright after going into a haunted house. Being so upset over his hair loss, he decides he’ll do anything to get it back. But is it worth it?

mom meter 1  SCARY rating



mom meter 2  “ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 1  VIOLENCE rating

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Goosebumps Movies – TV-Y7


Several mini scary stories based on the R.L. Stine book series for kids.

mom meter 2  SCARY rating




“ADULT STUFF” rating

mom meter 1  VIOLENCE rating

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