All kids at your age know not to ride with strangers. Your parents probably taught you that a long time ago.
Keep reading to see how some parents are changing their minds and paying the price for it.
This is the team behind the new app called Shuddle.
Shuddle is an app that parents can use to schedule driver pickups and drop-offs for their children. For example, say you need a ride to football practice, and mom can’t make it. The app allows her to arrange for a Shuddle driver to pick you up and drop you off. Once picked up, the app will charge your parent a fee for the ride.
This would mean getting in a car with a complete stranger, and then paying a fee for it.
Sounds a little sketchy to you? The makers of Shuddle hope to satisfy parents’ concerns with these features:
- Shuddle Pass – A secret password will be created by each family. When picking up or dropping off, the driver will use that password to prove his identity.
- Permission – Only parents are allowed to schedule rides.
- GPS Tracking – On the app, parents will be able to track the exact location of the car carrying their child.
- Criminal Background Check – A person can not become a driver if they were caught committing a major crime.
- Photo/Car Check – When a parent schedules a ride they are sent a photo of the driver and a description of the car.
photos: Shuddle
So what do you think Scoopers? Good idea or still too risky?