“Wearing the Letter S” (click to see the question):
If you wrote down any 20 items found on this list, then you correctly completed this challenge! Here is our 40!
1. Scarf
2. Shirt
3. Shorts
4. Shoes
5. Socks
6. Stockings
7. Sandals
8. Sweater
9. Skirt
10. Sneakers
11. Swimsuit
12. Sunglasses
13. Suit
14. Sweatpants
15. Sweatshirt
16. Slip
17. Sportscoat
18. Sarong
19. Sombero
20. Slacks
21. Smock
22. Skully/Skull Cap
23. Suspenders
24. Sun visor
25. Ski Mask
26. Skort
27. Spandex
28. Snowsuit
29. Shawl
30. Sash
31. Studs
32. Slicker
33. Sleeper
34. Snorkel
35. Shoulder Pads
36. Shin Guard
37. Stiletto
38. Slippers
39. Skies
40. Skates