
We all been there before, keep reading below for a step-by-step guide for surviving this problem.




#1 Forget what others think.

So you’re starting a new year of school and you discovered your new teacher is Mrs. Pigfart.

Oh no, not Mrs. Pigfart! EVERYONE knows Mrs. Pigfart is mean. But before you have a nervous break-down, tell me who’s everyone? Is everyone a few kids who were not allowed to have their own way? Is everyone a group of kids who may not like her name or how she looks?

Many times teachers unfairly get labeled this way. A few students begin to call their teachers mean for their own reasons. Next thing you know, kids who never met the poor teacher are calling he or she mean.

So really, do you feel your teacher is mean or are you being a follower?

#2 Give them a chance. They’re only human, we think .

Oh, you’re not a follower.

There was that one time you weren’t even talking and Mrs. Pigfart snapped out on you!

If that is what really went down, then we agree, that’s not okay.

But before you go calling her mean, honestly ask yourself, how many times did your teacher really do this to you? Once? Twice?


Believe it or not, teachers are human just like you and I, and have good days and bad. Although it is their responsibility to control their personal feelings, and not take it out on you, sometimes they may slip up.

If you’re thinking that might be the case, give ole Pigfart a pass and just keep a close eye on her. If she’s always quick tempered with you, then it’s time for the next step.



#3 Check yourself

So your opinion of your teacher is based off of how YOU feel. And it feels like your teacher is being mean to you often. Now here is the tough part; for us to help you, you have to be very honest answering our next question…..

Are you doing things that you’re not suppose to do?

Even if you think you should be allowed to do something or even if another teacher allowed it before, you should always follow your teacher’s rules.

When you’re not following directions it gives teachers a reason to discipline you.

And we understand, some people, even teachers, may not discipline in a way that may be helpful in improving behavior. It may embarrass you, make you angry, and eventually behave worse. Unfortunately, not all adults are good at correcting behavior. So don’t give your teacher a reason to correct yours.

Still, as hard as you try, you might make occasional mistakes. Think Mrs. Pigfart will continue to discipline in a way that goes too far? Or maybe you have been following directions all along, and she yells and treats you unfairly anyway. Well, keep reading to see what to do next.

#4 Talk it Out

If you’re always trying to do your best and feel that you’re being treated unfairly, talking it out might be the next best move.

We don’t mean argue with your teacher or talk back at the wrong times. A positive talk would mean a private one on one before or after school, or any other free moment your teacher may have.


And if the idea of being alone with your teacher scares you, maybe ask a good mature friend to come along for support. You should absolutely do all of the talking, allowing your friend to just watch and listen.

When telling your teacher how you feel, focus on getting her to know how you feel, not getting her to feel bad.

For example, instead of saying:

“You’re so mean all the time. Everybody knows it. You’re always yelling and screaming. I hate your class.”

Try this instead:

“I am trying my best, but I feel like you have a problem with me. When you speak to me it feels like you’re yelling and that makes me feel worse.”

After really LISTENING to your teacher’s response, if things do not get resolved or get worse, then it’s time to move on to step #5.

#5 Find Trusted Help

At this point you did everything that we suggested, so it is very difficult for an adult to see you as the problem.

Start by telling your parent everything. Be sure to include any mistakes that you might have made as well. This is important because if ole Mrs. Pigfart is the meanie that you think she is, she will try to put the focus on your misbehavior instead of owning up to her own mistakes. If your honest, it won’t distract them later if ole Pigfart tries to pull that off.

If you don’t feel comfortable letting a parent know, or think they may handle it the wrong way, try someone else at school. A guidance counselor is a perfect start. Because of what they do specifically, they tend to be very patient, understanding, and open-minded to conflicts involving kids. This includes conflicts where adults are the problem.

Also, your principal or assistant principal may be able to help. Being a teacher is a job, and like any other job, teachers have bosses that they have to report to. That’s where principals come in. If your principal is more likely to have his or her hands full, speaking with the assistant principal should do the trick.

After honestly sharing all of your experiences with another adult, go into your class as positive as you can be. No snickering, gossiping, or bragging about how you got your teacher in “trouble”. Also, this does not give you a pass to act up for the rest of the year. Just go in, and be the best you that you can be.

Unfortunately, there is still a slight chance that good ole Pigfart will continue with her shenanigans.



#6 Hang in There

Being stuck with a unpleasant teacher is usually your first challenge of dealing with an unfair situation involving authority. Unfortunately, it won’t be the last.

Getting through it the right way will only make you stronger and prepared for other times it may happen. Whether it’s at a higher grade level, at a future job, or in a life situation out of school, mean unfair people are out there; It’s up to you how you’re going to handle it.

Stay around positive people. Continue to talk with other friends and adults about how your teacher is making you feel. No matter what, always be the best you. Misbehaving or not completing your work will not hurt your teacher, it will only hurt you. What will really drive a mean teacher crazy is to do extremely well.

Sometimes the issue is that certain adults make final decisions about something or someone without, first, getting all the facts. Some teachers may treat students unfairly based off of one bad experience or  idea that they have about that student. Proving them right will only make them more confident about treating you badly. Performing well, behaving, and being respectful will make them change their views, or at least move on to bothering someone else.

Either way, it won’t last forever. You hang in there, we know you can do it!

scoop tip: Authority is a person or group of people given the power or  control to enforce rules on other people.

scoop tip: If your teacher is seriously hurting you verbally,physically, or any other way, skip right to finding trusted help. Continue explaining your issue until the problem is fixed.

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